Hello fellow VALL-members, I am curious how other law libraries are citing Proview texts and elooseleafs?
With the shift to e-resources, we’ve had several complaints from lawyers regarding citing Proview materials, especially with providing pinpoint citations as many of the texts do not have paragraph numbering. Section 13 of the BC Court of Appeal Citation of Authorities guide gives the following format to use for books that are continually updated (i.e. looseleafs) and states, “Do not provide the ‘date of consultation,’ contrary to the McGill Guide. Include the last revision update instead.”:
J.D. Green, The Law of Tort (Toronto: Thomson Reuters, 2011) (looseleaf updated 2013, release 20), ch. 5 at 71.
However, with most texts, we are unable to provide the “at” pinpoint (i.e., at 71). Has this been a problem for anyone?
There doesn’t seem to be a similar guide available through the other BC Courts but I would imagine the expectations are similar.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Ronit Barenboim, Research Librarian
T 604.640.4209 | RBarenboim@blg.com
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