The Vancouver Association of Law Libraries is a professional organization and anything posted to VALL’s blog, LinkedIn page or Twitter account should reflect that.
There are two categories for blog posts on the VALL website: official VALL posts (e.g. an announcement of an upcoming event) and member posts (e.g. job postings). All VALL members are able to post to the VALL website, Blog posts should be relevant to the VALL community and members should use common sense when posting.
Any concerns about the content of a blog posting should be addressed to the President or Webmaster of VALL or, if the concern is of a sufficiently urgent nature, any member of the VALL Executive.
VALL has a LinkedIn page ( The group is open only to VALL members.
Management privileges are given to those members of the current executive who have a LinkedIn account.
VALL has a Twitter account (@VALLBC) which was set up by Susannah Tredwell. (The name @VALL was already taken.) Access to the Twitter account (i.e. the password) will be given to any member of the VALL Executive who is interested in actively managing the Twitter account. Access will also be given to past members of the executive who have been posting on behalf of VALL and wish to continue doing so.
Tweets by the VALL Twitter account fall into one of three categories:
1) VALL-related information, e.g. upcoming events, reminder to renew membership. These are typically the tweets that will be pinned.
VALL’s next education session is on November 15. Join us to learn about “How Hansard is Made” with guest speakers Dan Kerr and Julie McClung of the B.C. Legislative Assembly. For more details, see
— VALL (@VALLBC) October 31, 2019
2) Information that will be of interest to VALL members and is not already an easy-to-retweet format.
The Province of British Columbia has announced that the BC Building Code 2018, the BC Fire Code 2018, and the BC Plumbing Code 2018 are now available for free online at ^st
— VALL (@VALLBC) August 15, 2019
3) Automatic retweeting of posts to the VALL website by IFTTT. (All these tweets will be signed ^IFTTT.)
New post: VALL October Coffee Morning Session at Courthouse Libraries BC and Meet & Greet with CLBC CEO Caroline Nevin ^IFTTT
— VALL (@VALLBC) September 23, 2019
Policy for retweets with comments: information that will be of interest to VALL members and we want to highlight something not mentioned in the tweet.
CanLII has announced new collaborative ebooks and VALL member Sarah Sutherland (@parallaxinfo) is one of the authors. ^st
— VALL (@VALLBC) November 28, 2019
Policy for retweets: the VALL account will retweet tweets that will be of interest to the VALL community, particularly if the person is a member, has tagged VALL, or used the hashtag #VALL or #VALLBC.
Rapt group of law librarians getting the inside scoop on Hansard #vall #hansard
— Debbie Millward (@DebbieMillward) November 15, 2019
The person posting the tweet should sign it with their initials (e.g. ^ST).
Any concerns about the content of a tweet (e.g. if it contains information that may be misleading or untrue) should be addressed to the person who posted it or, if appropriate, the President of VALL.