• Member Spotlight: Joni Sherman

    Welcome to the new monthly posting, Member Spotlight. Each month we will be interviewing one of our VALL members.

    To kick this off, I am beginning with myself, the VALL Webmaster, Joni Sherman.

    For the last 10 years I have been employed at the Department of Justice as a Legal Research Library Technician. This is a Federal Government agency employing approximately 2500 lawyers. We deliver services through a mix of co-located departmental legal service units, specialized branches that are located across Canada.

    I have had the privilege of being on the VALL Executive for the last 7 years working with Programs and now with the VALL Website.

    I sat down with myself and answered a few questions:

    Business & Resources

    1. What excites or energizes you at work?

    I get energized when I am helping people. I love finding that obscure piece of legislation or caselaw that can really assist with my client’s file. As well, I deeply enjoy instructing people on the “how to use” and the “where to find” all the different library resources which will make the Library patron’s work more efficient.

    1. Do you have a new (or old) favourite resource tools?

    My favourite resource tool is new and it is a BOOK.

    Our collection just acquired a new book called, Researching legislative intent : a practical guide / Susan Barker and Erica Anderson. Irwin Law 2019. As soon as this book came in the door, even before it was catalogued and put into our collection, I used it to help me with a research question. This resource is well written and very approachable. I cannot recommend this book enough.

    1. What is one thing you’re learning now, and why is it important?

    French. I am just finishing off my third round of French lessons. Not only is great for my brain but I feel more connected to my French speaking colleagues in Montreal and Ottawa because I am finding that I able to understand them with greater ease.

    Up front and Personal

    1. Do you have a hidden talent? What is it?

    I am pretty much a “professional’ pierogi maker. I have mastered the dough and love thinking of unique (but simple) fillings. I really love cooking and, in particular, when it involves many people making AND eating. Making pierogis is the perfect dish to make this happen.

    1. What is one hobby you’d love to get into?

    A hobby that I would LOVE to get into is fencing. Not only is a great workout but it appeals to me because I am a very visual person. I am drawn to the aesthetics of fencing, from the uniforms to the names of the swords: foil, epee, sabre (common crossword words, too).

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